Course curriculum

    1. Hoşgeldiniz

    1. Affect, verbal content, and psychophysiology in the arguments of couples with a violent husband

    2. Battering and the male rejection of influence from women

    3. Crime, hostility, wife battering, and the heart- On the Meehan et al

    4. Demand-withdraw interaction in couples with a violent husband

    5. Demand-withdraw interaction patterns between different types of batterers and their spouses

    6. Negative Reciprocity and Communication in Couples with a Violent Husband

    7. Power and violence- The relation between communication patterns, power discrepancies, and domestic violence

    8. Reducing Situational Violence in Low‐Income Couples by Fostering Healthy Relationships

    9. Supporting Healthy Relationships in Low Income Violent Couples

    10. Testing a typology of batterers

    11. The relationship between heart rate reactivity, emotionally aggressive behavior, and general violence in batterers

    12. Treating Couples Who Mutually Exhibit Violence or Aggression, Reducing Behaviors that Show a Susceptibility for Violence

    13. Typologies of Intimate Partner Violence

    14. When women leave violent relationships-Dispelling clinical myths

    1. Correlates of Gay and Lesbian Couples’ Relationship Satisfaction and Relationship Dissolution

    2. Gay, Lesbian, and Heterosexual Couples About to Begin Couples Therapy An Online Relationship Assessment of 40,681 Couples

    3. Observing Gay, Lesbian and Heterosexual Couples_ Relationships

    4. Results of Gottman Method Couples Therapy with Gay and Lesbian Couples

    1. A Component Analysis of a Brief Psycho-educational Couples’ Workshop FINAL RESULTS

    2. A component analysis of a brief psycho-educational couples’ workshop_ one-year follow-up results

    3. A theory of marital dissolution and stability

    4. A Two-Factor Model for Predicting When a Couple Will Divorce- Exploratory Analyses Using 14-Year Longitudinal Data

    5. A valid procedure for obtaining self-report of affect in marital interaction

    6. Attachment, emotional regulation, and the function of marital violence- Differences between secure, preoccupied, and dismissing violent and nonviolent husbands.

    7. Behavior Exchange Theory and Marital Decision Making

    8. Communicative competence in the nonverbal behavior of married couples

    9. Daily Marital Interactions and Positive Affect During Marital Conflict Among Newlywed Couples

    10. Decade Review Observing Marital Interaction

    11. Dysfunctional marital conflict and everyday marital interaction

    12. Emotional behavior in long-term marriage

    13. Emotional Responsiveness in Marital Conversations

    14. Facial Expressions During Marital Conflict

    15. General Systems Theory of Marriages- Nonlinear Difference Equation Modeling of Marital Interaction

    16. Generating Hypotheses After 14 Years of Marital Followup_ Or, How Should One Speculate A Reply to DeKay, Greeno, and Houck

    17. How a couple views their past predicts their future- predicting divorce from an oral history interview

    18. How Stable is Marital Interaction Over Time

    19. Long-term marriage- age, gender and satisfaction

    20. Marital interaction- physiological linkage and affective exchange

    21. Marital processes predictive of later dissolution- behavior, physiology and health

    22. Marital Research in the 20th Century and a Research Agenda for the 21st Century

    23. Marital Sentiment Override Does It Influence Couples_ Perceptions

    24. Physiological and affective predictors of change in relationship satisfaction

    25. Predicting Divorce among Newlyweds from the First Three Minutes of a Marital Conflict Discussion

    26. Predicting Marital Happiness and Stability from Newlywed Interactions

    27. Predicting Marital Stability and Divorce in Newlywed Couples

    28. Predicting the Longitudinal Course of Marriages

    29. Proximal change experiments with couples_ A methodology for empirically building a science of effective interventions for changing couples’ interaction

    30. Psychology and the study of marital processes

    31. Rebound from Marital Conflict and Divorce Prediction

    32. Responsive Listening in long-married couples- A psycholinguistic perspective

    33. Sampling, Experimental Control, and Generalizability in the Study of Marital Process Models

    34. Temporal form- toward a new language for describing relationship

    35. The consistency of nonverbal affect and affect reciprocity in marital interaction.

    36. The Effects of Briefly Interrupting Marital Conflict

    37. The Mathematics of Marital Conflict Dynamic Mathematical Nonlinear Modeling of Newlywed Marital Interaction

    38. The mathematics of marital conflict qualitative dynamic mathematical modeling of marital interaction

    39. The Natural Principles of Love

    40. The relationship between marital interaction and marital satisfaction- a longitudinal view.

    41. The roles of conflict engagement, escalation or avoidance in marital interaction- a longitudinal view of five types of coupleS

    42. The topography of marital conflict- a sequential analysis of verbal and nonverbal behavior

    43. Timing of Divorce- Predicting When a Couple Will Divorce Over a 14-Year Period

    44. What Predicts Change in Marital Interaction Over Time

    1. An interactional model of children’s entry into peer groups

    2. Becoming a sibling- “With a little help from my friends.”

    3. Bringing Baby Home Together Examining the Impact of a Couple‐Focused Intervention on the Dynamics Within Family Play

    4. Buffering children from marital conflict and dissolution

    5. Children’s Emotional Reactions to Stressful Parent-Child Interactions- The Link between Emotion Regulation and Vagal Tone

    6. Closeness in young adult sibling relationships- affective and physiological processes

    7. Describing Differences in the Tempo of Parent-Infant Interactions

    8. Effects of marital discord on young children’s peer interaction and health,

    9. Effects on marriage of a psycho-communicative-educational intervention with couples undergoing the transition to parenthood, evaluation at 1-year post-intervention

    10. How Children Become Friends

    11. Linkages between parent-child interaction and conversations of friends

    12. Meta-Emotion Philosophy and Family Functioning

    13. Parental meta-emotion philosophy and the emotional life of families- Theoretical models and preliminary data

    14. Parental meta-emotion structure predicts family and child outcomes

    15. Patterns of marital conflict predict children’s internalizing and externalizing behaviors

    16. Self-monitoring effects in a program for potential high-school drop-outs_ a time-series analysis

    17. Sex of teacher and student reading achievement

    18. Short Term Change in Couples’ Conflict Following a Transition to Parenthood Intervention

    19. Social interaction, social competence and friendship in children

    20. Spillover effects of marital conflict In search of parenting and coparenting mechanisms

    21. The baby and the marriage-Identifying factors that buffer againist decline in marital satisfaction after the first baby arrives

    22. The distinction between type 1 and type 2 batterers- Further considerations…

    23. The Peer Relations of Preschool Children with Communication Disorders

    24. Toward a definition of social isolation in children

    25. Vagal tone protects children from marital conflict

    26. What should be the focus of emotion regulation in children

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